The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) has launched the On-The-Spot Angels in Red Vests Recognition on every flag-raising ceremony in the Central Office starting in March 2024 in honor of the people who have shown “extra love” and “extra care” in the name of public service.
Mr. Aldren S. Malco, an Administrative Officer III of FMS—Cash Division, has been recognized as one of the awardees during the flag-raising activity held on March 11, 2024.

“Thank you for honoring me with this award as one of the representative in finance service. Your belief in my abilities means encouragement and recognition to me,” he said.
He has shown the unwavering dedication of the agency, which is always ready to lend a compassionate helping hand to society’s poor and vulnerable sectors.
The program is part of the Department’s continuous effort to put first the welfare and well-being of the personnel , regardless of their rank or employment status, who opened a path for the poor, vulnerable, and disadvantaged population to receive excellent social amelioration programs and safety nets.